Thursday, March 8, 2012

Pink Truth: Mary Kay Manipulation: Scripts for Potential Car Drivers

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Mary Kay Manipulation: Scripts for Potential Car Drivers
Mar 8th 2012, 12:00
It pays big to have “Mary Kay cars” on the road. It costs Mary Kay Inc. NOTHING, and is essentially free advertising. Not only that, Mary Kay knows that the cars make people think the drivers are successful. If they got a “free” Mary Kay car, they must be making lots of money. The cars [...]
For such a short and seemingly hastily written article, this is overflowing with lies, deception and manipulation.  Ironic, because that is what it seeks to accuse Mary Kay of doing.

1. It costs Mary Kay NOTHING to have these cars on the road.  Pink Truth is always so eager to point out how much all the expenses (they call them trinkets and gaudy) add up.  They complain about how a few dollars for prizes is not mentioned as part of the cost of doing business, and yet here they are saying that the leases on hundreds of Pontiacs and Cadillacs costs NOTHING?!

2. Mary Kay doesn't want you to take the available cash option.  This is ridiculous because if they didn't want you to take the option, they would not offer the option.

3. The bottom line is that if your people don't order enough to "pay" for your car, you have to pony up the money with a copay.  Why does this still confuse and irritate the Pink Truth folks?  The car is a sales incentive.  If you have enough sales to earn it, you earn it and use it (or the OPTIONAL cash compensation).  If you do not have enough sales you don't earn it.  Instead of taking it away, they allow you to pay to keep it.  What else would Pink Truth have Mary Kay do?  Ignore the fact that your unit is not selling enough to justify giving you a free car and just keep paying for it themselves?

The final sentence is the most ridiculous.  Grammatical syntax errors aside, it does nothing to disprove the statement that the tactics presented are just sales tactics. 

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