Saturday, March 31, 2012

Pink Truth: Massive Failure Rates in MLM

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Massive Failure Rates in MLM
Mar 26th 2012, 11:00
Robert FitzPatrick of Pyramid Scheme Alert has conducted extensive research on multi-level marketing companies (MLMs). The research can be difficult with companies like Mary Kay, which are privately owned and therefore don't release hardly any information about the dismal earnings of the sales force. On the other hand, certain companies using MLM models that are [...]
I didn't have to read any further than the first paragraph of the introduction to this "massive research" to confirm that the old adage, "Figures don't lie, but liars do figure" is true of this gentleman too.

His opening paragraph:

A statistical analysis of income disclosures made by 10 major multi-level marketing (MLM) companies and the largest of all MLMs, Amway/Quixtar, reveals that, on average, 99% of all participants received less than $10 a week in commissions, before all expenses. Additionally, the report shows that on average no net income is earned by MLM distributors from door to door "retail" sales. Total losses of the participants exceed $5 billion each year, if only the entry fees, basic business expenses, marketing "tool" purchases and the pyramid commission portion of their product purchases (about 40% of their purchase price) are totalled.

First, he says that on "average" and "99%" = <$10.  So, first he probably through out the top 1% (we all hate them anyway, right, so they don't count for anything) and then he used all the people who only sign up as distributors for these companies to get the discount (why not exclude them?  Because it wouldn't make as shocking a statistic.) and tells us that the AVERAGE of all these people is less then $10/week.   When he switches track to losses, he ADDS them all up and uses a /year figure.

His report cost $50 or $100 (not sure what makes the difference, but that smells pretty fishy in and of itself) so I am not going to download it.  A quick skimming of his introduction shows that he uses a 9 million figure for how many people are involved.  Let's use this number and look at his claim.

$10/week X 52 weeks = $520/year X 9 million people = $4.68 Billion
$5 billion/year (divided by) 9 million people = $555/year (divided by) 52 weeks = $10.68

Now keep in mind that this is his 99% figure.  I don't honestly know which 99% he if referring to, or why he didn't just use 100% of participants.  As noted above, I suspect it was to make his figures look more shocking and compelling so that he could sell more reports.

So, rewriting his statement, using HIS figures presented the other way around:

A statistical analysis of income disclosures... reveals that, on average, 99% of all participants lost $10.68/week.  Total earnings of the participants were just under $5 billion each year!

I feel like I am teaching a "truth in marketing" class to high school freshman.

 "Now, which one of these figures sounds better?"

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Pink Truth: How to Find Production in the Last 48 Hours

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

How to Find Production in the Last 48 Hours
Mar 29th 2012, 11:00
This is a common document that floats around between Mary Kay sales directors. It is the process of  “dialing for dollars” the right way… the way that gets the most orders out of a unit.

Notice that there is never any concern over whether a consultant has actually sold any products. This is all about [...]
While it is suspect for Pink Truth to offer one document and point out a lack of sales training in that one document, I do wonder how many in Mary Kay look at a month with sub par numbers and start thinking about how to better train her sales force to sell.

I know that Pink Truth would say none.  Most people in Mary Kay would say most.  But if emphasis was on sales, would this document be necessary at all?

Tracy says that if someone needed to order, they would.  But how many women (especially the ones that are only doing this as a part time, side thing) remember that the end of the month is coming in terms of ordering products for Mary Kay.

I for one would prefer to get a call to remind me of something important like that and not need it than not get a call and miss placing an order I had been collecting for three weeks.

Let's say we are talking about a consultant that only orders when she has enough orders to justify shipping.  Let's also say that this consultant waits until the end of the month so that she can have as many orders put together as possible.  But she also works at her real job and (like any normal person) loves spending time with her family.  The director/recruiter does NOT call her and she misses the deadline for ordering.  Yes, she can still order the next month, but it seems to me (Mary Kay people, help me out...) that she would lose out on some bonuses or something... and certainly the director could have benefited from this order going through that month.

Food for thought that Pink Truth wouldn't allow...

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pink Truth: Telling Your Sales Director You’re Quitting

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Telling Your Sales Director You're Quitting
Mar 28th 2012, 11:00
Women considering quitting Mary Kay in order to reclaim their time, their families, and their wallets often agonize over how they will tell their sales director. Here’s how one consultant did it. How do you tell her? One option is to not tell her and not discuss it with her. Avoiding her phone calls is [...]
If Mary Kay can have scripts to help put into words what they are trying to say (to potential customers and recruits, than certainly Pink Truth should have scripts for people wanting to put into words what they are trying to say to their recruiter!

This is a good script that does not lay much (or any) blame at the feet of the director and informs her of your decision.  If you want out of Mary Kay, but are not sure how to say it, or are afraid that you will be talked out of leaving, this is a good read for you.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Pink Truth: The Reality of National Sales Director Commissions

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

The Reality of National Sales Director Commissions
Mar 27th 2012, 11:00
Yesterday we discussed the lawsuit between Mary Kay Cosmetics and former National Sales Director Amy Dunlap. Mary Kay is suing Amy for using information on MK consultants to recruit to Isagenix. Amy is counterclaiming, saying that MK lies to women when it says that you “own your own business.” Unfortunately for Amy, she is guilty [...]   
As yesterday, this is an interesting read and relatively straight forward.  I continue to marvel at Tracy's ability to take $140,000 and whittle it down to $30,000.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Pink Truth: Mary Kay NSD Amy Dunlap: You Do Not Own Your Own Business

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Mary Kay NSD Amy Dunlap: You Do Not Own Your Own Business
Mar 26th 2012, 11:00
Late last year, Mary Kay Cosmetics sued former National Sales Director Amy Dunlap. Amy left Mary Kay to join Isagenix with her husband Shane. You may remember that Isagenix is the company for former Mary Kay hotshots to go to, including the likes of Robin Dunda, Hillari Courtney, JoAnn Blackmon. Amy Dunlas was appointed as [...]
This is pretty interesting stuff.  Worth a read if you have some time.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Pink Truth: The Mary Kay Snare of Shame

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

The Mary Kay Snare of Shame
Mar 23rd 2012, 11:00
Written by Raisinberry

BUT I CAN’T GET OUT. The practically supernatural deception that keeps you repeating your mistakes and locked in fear.

In my opinion, we have been seduced by a power bigger than we can even imagine. And in order to prevent it from happening again, and to hopefully help in the de-fogging process, [...]
This is so ridiculous.  Raisinberry goes off in some sort of dissertation laying all the guilt at the feet of an anonymous group of hideously deceptive people, implying that her only fault was being naive and following the wrong 'shepherd'.

But who are you following now Raisinberry?  Are Tracy's lies better somehow than those you told in Mary Kay?

Pink Truth would like everyone to believe that they are victims that, against their better judgment, were influenced into a lifestyle of deceit and fabrication.  Fooled me once, right.  But how come they are in almost exactly the same situation now?  They are "running" with a "gang" (rberry's word) of women.  They "ignore" the lies for the "greater good".  They thrive on the acknowledgment of their peers.  They shut out and condemn anyone that thinks critically or questions the group think.

Pink Truth is the Mary Kay that they have invented.  Vicious, backstabbing, selfish automatons that fall in lock-step with their leader or suffer excommunication.  There may be some parts of Mary Kay that are like this.  Maybe more than you or i ever imagined.  But you don't have to look past the comments on their main page to know that ALL of Pink Truth is this way.   

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Pink Truth: How Mary Kay Sales Directors Can Get Consultants to Order More

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

How Mary Kay Sales Directors Can Get Consultants to Order More
Mar 22nd 2012, 11:00
Let's not kid ourselves. Getting consultants to order more inventory is the heart of the pyramid scheme: recruit and frontload. Notice that this email has absolutely NOTHING to do with selling the product. It is pure recruiting and scamming orders out of newbies. All of this ordering is encouraged without regard to any consultant's personal [...]
I am a little 50/50 on this article.  At face value, it would appear that this is encouraging directors to focus only on the orders of their team and none whatsoever on retail sales.  However, that could be taking things WAY out of context.

Knowing how Pink Truth operates, this could be one document that focuses only on ordering while 9 other documents focus on teaching your consultant selling techniques.  That could be overly optimistic on my part, but because of Pink Truth's pattern of ignoring and hiding the whole truth and only presenting information that benefits their opinions, I am dubious to say the least.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Pink Truth: Pinning Your Dreams on Pink

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Pinning Your Dreams on Pink
Mar 21st 2012, 11:00
Written by DebiUnpinked

The only way to get to the bottom of whether Mary Kay is for you is to research Mary Kay Inc. and then MOST IMPORTANTLY check out the numbers.  Any business worth investing your precious time and money should stand up to ANY light shed upon it!

First the numbers, get numbers [...]
Aside from the fact that everything in this article is the usual spew from Pink Truth, and aside from the fact that there are grammatical errors in it similar to the ones Pink Truth likes to make fun of when a "kaybot" makes them, this article irritates me because it assumes the reader is a sniveling, self-righteous, idiot that is "afraid, mad, upset or being told by MK not to listen..."

No one is afraid of you Pink Truth.  You are afraid of us. Normal, rational, thinking people that challenge your outlandish accusations.

I don't need a pages long article to prove it either.  You delete comments you don't like.  You ban people from your site for disagreeing with you.  You do not engage in conversation(s) in open forums where both sides can present their views equally. (Probably an internal rule... how many people have been "warned" to stop posting comments on sites like Balanced Mary Kay?) 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pink Truth: Mary Kay Top Director Income

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Mary Kay Top Director Income
Mar 20th 2012, 11:00
Many recruits are snared into Mary Kay Cosmetics with the lure of executive earnings. They are told that the sky’s the limit, and the earnings are unlimited, if only you are willing to work hard enough. Sales directors tout their “highest checks” without ever mentioning all the business expenses that must be paid out of [...]
I want to like this post by Pink Truth because it seems to objectively offer a reality check about the potential earnings in Mary Kay. But the way Tracy strips $150K down to $34K makes my head spin.

Each "layer" she peels off and discards gives the impression that there is no value to it.  $50K in prizes?  This is worthless because in her opinion these are "overvalued"?  What were these prizes?  Vacations?  Accessories?  Even if this is "inflated" by 2x (actually worth $25K) this is still a lot of money that the $34K does NOT need to pay for.

Tracy talks about taxes as though being a part of Mary Kay is what makes you have to pay taxes.  Everyone pays taxes.  No one in a discussion about income (mind you most people don't discuss income anyway, but) don't say, "Yeah, but how much cash do you actually have on hand after taxes".  Income is income.

If, at the end of the day, (or year in this case) someone was sitting on $50K with taxes already paid and another $50K (inflated or otherwise) in prizes laying around the house and the free use of a Caddy for the year, I'd say they were in pretty good shape.

Are there billionaires in the Hamptons sitting on more disposable income than this? Sure.  Are there power attorneys and entertainers and wall street gurus making more money?  Sure.  But how does this "poor" director's income compare to Tracy's? Surely she is "rolling in it" if she is going to denigrate this woman's earnings so thoroughly.  What about doctors and other small practice owners?  When you take out their school debt and their overhead, are they pulling down $50K in disposable, post-tax cash?  I doubt it.

I am not advocating for or against getting a degree, but the Mary Kay director did not need any special schooling to get where she is.  Many "executives" spend years getting to the income level that Pink Truth would make you believe was just handed to them.  This doesn't make Mary Kay better anymore than it doesn't make it worse.  It is just a different way to make money.  For some people this is an incredible opportunity, and I am sure for this "top 25 director" it is exactly what she had hoped for.

I wonder what it would take for Pink Truth to say that someone is successful... and how many of them have achieved that. 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Pink Truth: Why It’s Not Such a Hot Idea to Recruit Your Mary Kay Warm Market

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Why It's Not Such a Hot Idea to Recruit Your Mary Kay Warm Market
Mar 19th 2012, 11:00
Written by DupedByPinkFriend

When a new consultant begins her Mary Kay journey, she is instructed to practice giving facials and skin care classes with her friends and family.  This sounds reasonable, and seems to make sense, as many women who join Mary Kay have no previous sales experience, have little knowledge about skin care or [...]
I'm not sure I even understand "dupedbypinkfriend"s point much less agree or disagree with it.  It sounds like someone put all of Pink Truth's typical, half-formed arguments into a blender, ran it for a few minutes and poured this into a glass to serve up for today's article.

The first half of the article, the part where she explains how Mary Kay encourages new recruits to start with their family and friends and why, makes sense.  The part where she "explains" why this is a bad idea is what loses me.

A word about recruiting a team, if I may:

If you are going to tell people, give ________ a try and if you are not interested, there is no obligation (and the ________ could be "come to a meeting", "buy the starter kit", etc.), then you need to be prepared that people will try and decide to walk away.  This is NOT a "churn and burn" mentality, it is simply keeping your word to allow people to stay or walk away.  If you are prepared for people to walk away, you have to assume you are going to need to talk to a lot of people in order to get a few people that will "stick".

If, for instance, you want 5 new team members and we assume a 10% "stick" rate at each stop on the journey, it would (possibly) look something like this:

To get 5 (solid) team members, I need 50 people to buy the starter kit and give it a try (10% of 50 is 5)
To get 50 people to try Mary Kay by buying a starter kit, I need to offer it to 500 people (10% of 500 is 50)
To get 500 people to come to a class where I can offer them the Mary Kay opportunity properly I need to invite 5,000 people (10% of 5,000 is 500)

These are obviously big numbers, and 10% may be a low or high number depending on the person, their location and a lot of other factors.  The point is that you are going to have to hear a lot of "no"s at various points in your journey.  By this example, you will hear 4,995 "no"s to get those 5 solid team members.  This, in my opinion, is why it should NOT be the concern of the Mary Kay (consultant, recruiter, director) what made you say "yes".  They have a lot of people they are offering to, they should be able to assume that you will make a responsible decision for yourself.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Pink Truth: How the Pink Fog Overtook Us

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

How the Pink Fog Overtook Us
Mar 16th 2012, 11:00
Written by WorkedPink She came into town, tall and beautiful with a look, demeanor, and “way” that many of us could just hope to ever possess. She was a Mary Kay Consultant, a business owner. Her makeup was always flawless, her black skirt and white blouse always perfect and crisp–such a lady. She often spoke [...]
This is a sad story about a small community that "went all in" with Mary Kay and then dissolved quickly.  Knowing Pink Truth and their creative story telling, I have no idea how much truth is in this article.  I encourage you, the reader, to question its veracity.

If it is true, this is a sad situation.  Anytime people are duped or coerced or manipulated, it is a shame.  Whether it is on the scale and to the extent this article suggests or on a much smaller scale, it is wrong.

So, fake or not, if you are in Mary Kay or being invited to Mary Kay, watch out for red flags and don't ignore them.  Do your research and if you do join, find people you can trust to work with, not the ones that will do anything to make a quick buck.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Pink Truth: You Have No Right

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

You Have No Right
Mar 15th 2012, 11:00
Dear Mary Kay sales directors… This is a list of things you have no right to do or say to consultants, potential recruits, or anyone else involved with Mary Kay. Encouraging dishonesty… It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. Lying to one’s husband is not okay. It is especially not okay when it comes [...]
I'm either getting burned out on pointing out Pink Truth's BS, or this article is really dull.  Either way, some of these things are definite red flags, and others, are just Pink Truth being typically whiny.

Outside of that I really have nothing to say.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Pink Truth: The Abuse of Loyalty, the Destructiveness of Denial, and the Lure of Hope

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

The Abuse of Loyalty, the Destructiveness of Denial, and the Lure of Hope
Mar 14th 2012, 11:00
Written by Raisinberry

A while back I got to wondering about all the women who are aware of Pink Truth, perhaps have read it from time to time, and still remain in Mary Kay, under some of the most damning I stories they could encounter.

The easy suggestion might be the "positive mental attitude" mantra [...]
So, two thoughts on this nonsense from Raisinberry. 

1. I thought no one was successful in Mary Kay.  Yet, here we have Raisinberry saying that - " No, we are here because for the most part our membership succeeded "  This would be very interesting indeed.  If the TRUTH that Pink Truth preaches is that NO ONE succeeds, NO ONE makes any money, but for the MOST PART their membership succeeded, that means that Pink Truth "gurus" not only managed to do the impossible and succeed in a business where no one succeeds, but they (being the only ones succeeding) decided to leave all that behind in order to show the world that NO ONE succeeds in the business they were previously succeeding in?

which leads me to

2. If you go to your director with the insane rantings of people that say that they were successful at a business that (by their claims) NO ONE is successful in and left their success behind in order to show the world the truth and set women free, how can you expect her to take you seriously?  Just look at the accusations that Raisinberry asks you to level at your director -

" Want to test that? Bring all of the concerns you read about on Pink Truth to your National. Tell her you will not bring another woman into this business until you get satisfactory answers for the frontloading, the lack of true sales performance tracking, the truth about “profit level”, the lack of ongoing real sales training beyond platitudes, the lack of recognition for longevity and expertise, the lack of real business management training, and the truth about the pyramid hidden by the product. "

These things are unfounded and unproven.  These are conclusions that Pink Truth has come to based on a hodge podge of so called evidence.  Their points are contradictory and most of the time don't make any sense at all.  If you brought this to anyone in Mary Kay, demanding an answer, they would probably ask what your question is.

Now, by contrast, if you look at the ordering numbers of your director and (as Pink Truth has done) realize that she is making inflated claims about her income, and confront her about this, you would be making a good decision.  If she tries to blow you off or misdirect you with other things, you should definitely move on.  If you want to do Mary Kay, find a director that is not inflating their income claims.  If you aren't all that interested in the first place, go find something else to do.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Pink Truth: Kaybot Commentary on Pink Truth

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Kaybot Commentary on Pink Truth
Mar 13th 2012, 11:00
In an effort to help Kaybots save lots of time in responding to Pink Truth, I have put together a list of common things Mary Kay lovers say to Pink Truth members. These things are meant to show us how wrong / silly / stupid we are and how wonderful / workable / easy Mary [...]
Better than the latest "post a ridiculous comment and ridicule it" approach, this article actually puts up arguments against Pink Truth and refutes them.

Problem is, these are watered down arguments as opposed to the original (deleted) comments and they do not allow a response from the original critics.  As I said, better, but not really.

Pink Truth: Mary Kay Product Changes: June 2012 Lash Products and More

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Mary Kay Product Changes: June 2012 Lash Products and More
Mar 12th 2012, 23:00
The following changes will be made to the Mary Kay product line starting June 16, 2012.

Mary Kay Lash & Brow Building Serum ($38 suggested retail) – Let lashes and brows live up to their fullest potential. Turn lash envy into lashes that look fuller, look thicker and have more volume. Turn problem brows into [...]
A little off mission on this one, Pink Truth simply posts a press release (essentially) about the new products being launched.

Apparently even that is cause for the minions to get excited and point out how terrible Mary Kay is.  Though I am not really sure what their point is.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Pink Truth: Reporter Declines to Think Critically About Mary Kay

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Reporter Declines to Think Critically About Mary Kay
Mar 12th 2012, 11:00
As is usually the case, mainstream media completely ignores the reality of multi-level marketing. Stories are regularly run about how MLM “businesses” offer consumers an opportunity to make money, especially during times of high unemployment. What these stories ignore is the reality that 99% of people involved in MLM actually lose money. Last week, Rebecca [...]
Laugh out loud funny when Pink Truth accuses someone of lacking critical thinking!  This reporter probably took one look at Pink Truth's ridiculous "Mary Kay is evil and anyone who says otherwise is insane" stance and decided to steer clear!

Ironically, when someone runs an article that is just as imbalanced (but in the other direction) suggesting that Pink Truth is infallible and Mary Kay is the evil empire the believe it to be, they post that story (with a link) and sing it's high praises!

But THIS reporter is awful because she didn't take the time to present both sides of the story?

Pink Truth: A Mary Kay Consultant Shares Her Opinion on Pink Truth

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

A Mary Kay Consultant Shares Her Opinion on Pink Truth
Mar 12th 2012, 02:29
I liked this comment so much that I just had to put it on the front page. mk girl all the way its funny to me how everyone is on her wineing about marykay and what it didnt do for u but can i ask what did u do in mary kay did u follow [...]
Pink Truth is in heaven!  Another poorly written comment by a happy Mary Kay consultant criticizing Pink Truth's mission.

Pink Truth is all over it.

This proves that Pink Truth has no strength behind their arguments.  The only people they can successfully win arguments with are people that either A. Don't even have strong writing skills, or B. Have any and all responses deleted and are banned from ever posting another response.

If Pink Truth really wanted to present the truth about Mary Kay and prove that everyone in Mary Kay is a loser, they would allow open discussion on their site.

Actual commentators and visitors that have good points are deleted and banned.  Goofy, overly irate or unintelligible commentators (such as this one) get front page status.

So is this kind of deceptive behavior only wrong when someone in Mary Kay does it?

What do you call it when someone criticizes a part of an organization for doing something that they themselves use almost exclusively?  Oh yeah, the pot calling the kettle black.

Way to go Pink Truth. 

Friday, March 9, 2012

Pink Truth: The Reality of “Cadillac Director” Earnings

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

The Reality of "Cadillac Director" Earnings
Mar 9th 2012, 12:00
You know I love to get my hands on these things: the real, live numbers that prove how few people are actually making money in Mary Kay. Now let me set this up for you to prove that almost no one is making that “executive pay” in Mary Kay.

A sales director driving a Cadillac [...]
Good job Pink Truth, you can do math.  However, your common sense seems lacking.  True, 2,200 (or 2,100 - not sure which one of your "facts" is correct) may be 3/10 of a percent of the 750,000 (or so) consultants in the U.S. 

But since when is 2,100 people a "few"?  2,100 people driving a Cadillac and earning almost $40k/year on commissions alone?  2,100 people driving a Cadillac as recognition for the good job they are doing selling and helping others sell?  That seems to contradict your claim that NO ONE is making money in Mary Kay!  Or did you forget that 2,100 does not equal 0? 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Pink Truth: Mary Kay Manipulation: Scripts for Potential Car Drivers

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Mary Kay Manipulation: Scripts for Potential Car Drivers
Mar 8th 2012, 12:00
It pays big to have “Mary Kay cars” on the road. It costs Mary Kay Inc. NOTHING, and is essentially free advertising. Not only that, Mary Kay knows that the cars make people think the drivers are successful. If they got a “free” Mary Kay car, they must be making lots of money. The cars [...]
For such a short and seemingly hastily written article, this is overflowing with lies, deception and manipulation.  Ironic, because that is what it seeks to accuse Mary Kay of doing.

1. It costs Mary Kay NOTHING to have these cars on the road.  Pink Truth is always so eager to point out how much all the expenses (they call them trinkets and gaudy) add up.  They complain about how a few dollars for prizes is not mentioned as part of the cost of doing business, and yet here they are saying that the leases on hundreds of Pontiacs and Cadillacs costs NOTHING?!

2. Mary Kay doesn't want you to take the available cash option.  This is ridiculous because if they didn't want you to take the option, they would not offer the option.

3. The bottom line is that if your people don't order enough to "pay" for your car, you have to pony up the money with a copay.  Why does this still confuse and irritate the Pink Truth folks?  The car is a sales incentive.  If you have enough sales to earn it, you earn it and use it (or the OPTIONAL cash compensation).  If you do not have enough sales you don't earn it.  Instead of taking it away, they allow you to pay to keep it.  What else would Pink Truth have Mary Kay do?  Ignore the fact that your unit is not selling enough to justify giving you a free car and just keep paying for it themselves?

The final sentence is the most ridiculous.  Grammatical syntax errors aside, it does nothing to disprove the statement that the tactics presented are just sales tactics. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Pink Truth: Former Sales Director Sees Beyond the Smoke and Mirrors

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Former Sales Director Sees Beyond the Smoke and Mirrors
Mar 7th 2012, 12:00
A former Mary Kay sales director sees beyond the smoke and mirrors and shares her story with us.  Can you relate?

You know…….. the more I read and hear about the leaders in this company who ultimately play on women's hearts, minds and souls, the sadder I am. It is a shame that someone like [...]
Well, I suppose that if the gals on Pink Truth were just looking for a 'free for all' support group that didn't involve any work, they probably should have skipped Mary Kay and gone straight to Pink Truth.

What I hear when I read this article, "Boo hoo, they were only interested in supporting me in my Mary Kay business when I was working my Mary Kay business"

Duh.  It's a business.  Not a support group.  

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Pink Truth: The Time Commitment in Mary Kay

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

The Time Commitment in Mary Kay
Mar 6th 2012, 12:00
Mary Kay recruiters and sales directors are notorious for downplaying the time and effort involved in selling Mary Kay. Have you ever been asked if you have a “few hours a week” to devote to Mary Kay? Here’s the real story.

When the Mary Kay opportunity is presented, we’re told we can be successful holding [...]
While there is some beneficial information here, there are no real hard numbers for either assertion made.

1. "Mary Kay directors and recruiters are 'notorious' for downplaying the time and effort involved in selling Mary Kay.

First of all, what do you mean downplaying?  Second, what do you mean notorious?  Do you mean all the gals on your site did it to their recruits?  Do you mean that more than half of all directors and recruiters do this?

2. "This is how much time you should expect to spend in Mary Kay"

Interesting that this "day in the life of" comes from Tracy who has never actually sold Mary Kay.  Who also supposedly runs her own small business.  Once again, Pink Truth is combining the "worst of both worlds" to paint an ugly picture of Mary Kay.  While I have no doubt that there are recruiters (possibly even the majority of) that paint an overly rosy picture of Mary Kay, Pink Truth benefits no one by laying out such unrealistic expectations.

If you want to spend a little time each week and make a little extra money you can do that.
If you want to dive in with the kind of time you would expect to need to start a business, you can go that route.

When Pink Truth says that you will work a lot of long hours and not make any money, they are simply wrong. 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Pink Truth: How Mary Kay Will Help Personal Relationships (Or Not)

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

How Mary Kay Will Help Personal Relationships (Or Not)
Mar 5th 2012, 12:00
Written by SuzyQ

One of Mary Kay’s selling points to starry-eyed new recruits is the gift of time they can devote to their families and those they hold dear. After all, the priorities are said to be Faith First, Family Second and Career Third, right? Not exactly.

But, let’s focus on family and those other [...]
Wow, this is over the top, even for Pink Truth.  Dripping with sarcasm. With all the feel of an elementary school child's argument with a teacher or parent.  

"Vegetables are good for you" "Vegetables are (not) good for you" (ha, ha, ha)
"No, they really are good for you" "No their not"
"Look, I am not making this up, doctors agree, they are good for you" "Doctors are stupid"

No need to even defend Mary Kay on this one.  The sheer ridiculousness of Pink Truth's assumptions on this make it clear that this is not an assessment of truth, but a fantasy (albeit horror) story spun out of half truths and emotional opinions.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Pink Truth: Mary Kay Says They’re Not a Pyramid

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Mary Kay Says They're Not a Pyramid
Mar 2nd 2012, 12:00
Mary Kay Cosmetics explains why the company is not a pyramid scheme and not a multi-level marketing comany. And Pink Truth responds.

“We’re not a pyramid scheme!”

“We’re not an MLM!”

You hear Mary Kay’s loyal followers chant these themes over and over. I think it’s pretty clear that Mary Kay Cosmetics is a barely [...]
In this article, Tracy allegedly sets out to prove that Mary Kay is a Pyramid Scheme and a Multi-Level-Marketing company despite Mary Kay's claims otherwise.

What she ends up doing is setting out some pretty compelling evidence that Mary Kay is NOT a Pyramid Scheme or a Multi-Level-Marketing company and offers her barely ineligible opinions to the contrary.

This article essentially reads:

MK - Fact, Fact, Fact
PT - opinion

MK - Fact, Fact, Fact
PT - opinion

All the way down the page.

Tracy does not bother to explain what a Pyramid Scheme (or MLM) is much less give any facts proving that Mary Kay is one.

Also, for the record, I have never heard anyone "chant" the lines that Tracy claims Mary Kay's loyal followers chant.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Pink Truth: How Do Women Get Sucked Into Mary Kay? Why Do They Stay?

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

How Do Women Get Sucked Into Mary Kay? Why Do They Stay?
Mar 1st 2012, 12:00
Written by SuzyQ OK, so here's the thing… So many people ask the question…  how do women get sucked into MK and why do they stay? Easy.  Most of us do not get the recognition we crave in our everyday lives.  No one applauds when we clean out the fridge, clean and folded clothes are [...]
Typical Pink Truth nonsense here.  I can sum up the whole article this way. "Mary Kay is an evil soul sucker and Pink Truth is here to save your soul."

Problem is, if there is anything that Pink Truth can point to in Mary Kay (other than spending/earning money) that they hated, it can easily be seen among their very own ranks.