Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Pink Truth: Just Been to a Mary Kay Recruiting Event? Check in Here.

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.
The Truth Behind What You Heard at a Mary Kay Recruiting Event
Feb 12th 2012, 12:00
Written by Raisinberry

One of the real beefs we have here is that when we were introduced to Mary Kay the information we were told was grossly overstated. Mary Kay Corp has attempted to clean up some of the outrageous statements, designed to sell you on the opportunity, but not with too much fervor. If [...]
One of the real beefs I have with Pink Truth is that they make NO attempt to clean up their outrageous statements.

Here, yet again, Traisinberry rants and rails about how awful Mary Kay is with no reasonable explanation as to how she(they) KNOW that these awful deceptions are systemic and not merely isolated experiences and no reasonable explanation as to why she(they) feel that things like "not disclosing that directors pay for the prizes they give out" is so awful in the first place.

So in an ideal world, someone recruiting a new recruit should tell said recruit every possible thing they will ever encounter in Mary Kay?  Aside from the fact that this is not even realistic, where else in life do you see such an expectation?  What job EVER discloses every possible downside of working there?

Hey, I know you are really enthusiastic about working here, but I need to let you know that in about 2 months the coffee pot is probably going to break and with the way things work around here, you will probably need to buy your own coffee on your way into work costing you an extra $3/day (make sure you calculate gas money and your personal time in that figure).  And if you are thinking about getting into management, there is SOOOO much stuff they make them do that their not even telling you right now!

To put it the way that Raisinberry put it - This is fiction.

Well said.  If you were talking about your article.  Let's just say a bunch of mean stuff about Mary Kay and call it truth.  If I only had the time and motivation, I should post a fictional article (daily) about how terrible Pink Truth is.

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