Thursday, May 31, 2012

Pink Truth: Advice for a Mary Kay DIQ?

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Advice for a Mary Kay DIQ?
May 31st 2012, 11:00
A Mary Kay DIQ wrote seeking advice on becoming an ethical Sales Director in MK:

I found your site on accident over a year ago when I began my business.  I pop in occasionally just out of curiosity to see what is being said.  While I disagree with a lot of the points that are [...]
The opening of this article says it all.  Should be interesting to see what everyone on Pink Truth has to say.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Pink Truth: All It Takes to Earn Your May Kay Car…

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

All It Takes to Earn Your May Kay Car…
May 30th 2012, 11:00
The lies Mary Kay consultants and directors tell about how “easy” it is to earn a car in Mary Kay and how little time it takes… Out of your 168 hours week you will need to spend 12-15 hours a week in people time to earn and continue using your free company car. Suggested allotment [...]
Pink Truth is just the same thing, different day.  

- Post something from Mary Kay
- Call it a "flat out lie" or some other canned negative comment
- Publish
- Wait for the loyal minions to chime in their whole hearted agreement.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Pink Truth: How She Found Her 3 Newest Customers

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

How She Found Her 3 Newest Customers
May 29th 2012, 11:00
This one is designed to make you feel like you didn't work hard enough. All you have to do is get more customers. More customers means bigger business for you. Well, no kidding! The trick is actually finding enough customers to sustain a Mary Kay "business." And that's not nearly as easy as some make [...]
Typical Pink "Truth" stuff.  We have no proof of our accusations, but that wont stop us from making them.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Pink Truth: Mary Kay Inc. Says: It’s Not Our Fault

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Mary Kay Inc. Says: It's Not Our Fault
May 25th 2012, 11:00
Written by Raisinberry The “Devil’s Advocate” sets the record straight…in the words of Mary Kay Cosmetics… You Pink Truth-ers have sure had some rough times. And we appreciate all you have been through. It saddens us to see just how out of hand things have gotten, but it is really not our fault. We exist [...]
Clearly written by Pink Truth, this criticism of themselves (intended to be out of hand, I am sure) is not so off the mark.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Pink Truth: Magic Words to Help You Recruit Mary Kay Consultants

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Magic Words to Help You Recruit Mary Kay Consultants
May 24th 2012, 11:00
You read that right. Here are the “magic” words to help you recruit women into Mary Kay. In other words, these are more scripted phrases intended to hit on some of the most common “hot buttons” for women. Is there anything inherently wrong with that? I suppose not. Sales in different industries are all made [...]
At least Tracy admitted in this post that there is nothing inherently wrong with using phrases to make what you are pitching more attractive and she uses the words "I think" instead of saying that her opinion is "fact'.

To that end, I don't have a problem with her posting that she doesn't like this style of Mary Kay.  I disagree with her.  But that is part of informing and being informed. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Pink Truth: What 5 Hours a Week Could Do For You

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

What 5 Hours a Week Could Do For You
May 23rd 2012, 11:00
Here’s another one of those Mary Kay “training” items that is really meant to make you feel like you just didn’t work hard enough. Who couldn’t five extra hours a week to do something important like Mary Kay??? Well, I’m sure that if we all tried, we really might be able to find five extra [...]
It's all about perspective.  Pink Truth's perspective is that the world should bring them plates of cash while they watch dancing with the stars.  The women that are successful at Mary Kay make the decision to find time to do things that will make their lives better over the long run.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Pink Truth: Suckering Recruits Into Ordering As Much As Possible

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Suckering Recruits Into Ordering As Much As Possible
May 22nd 2012, 11:00
Mary Kay Cosmetics is all about the initial inventory order. They know if they don’t get you to buy right away, you almost certainly will never by much. (Mainly because you will quickly see how hard it is to find anyone who wants to buy the products from you!) Here’s one way of squeezing a [...]
Tracy criticizes an excellent training piece (one of those things they claim Mary Kay doesn't do) and offers her own opinion (as truth) in place of Mary Kay's research (as myth).

"I don't think consultants really sell more by having inventory..."

Personally this reveals how little Tracy knows about sales.  But mark this, her little guppies will all extol her deep wisdom!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Pink Truth: One Woman’s Mary Kay Experience

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

One Woman's Mary Kay Experience
May 21st 2012, 11:00
The reality of the Mary Kay opportunity as told by a Pink Truth member. I pretty much knew after a couple of months that the Mary Kay opportunity wasn’t for me.  I joined Mary Kay simply because I had just graduated college and needed to put some more structure in my free time.  I was [...]
So ridiculous and one sided.  Yet Pink Truth would have you believe that this is 'the way things are' in Mary Kay.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Pink Truth: 10 Big Lies of Multi-Level Marketing

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

10 Big Lies of Multi-Level Marketing
May 18th 2012, 11:00
Following are some excerpts from Robert FitzPatrick’s article “The 10 Big Lies of Multi-Level Marketing.” Robert has studied MLMs and pyramid schemes for years and is the author of the book  False Profits and the head of  Pyramid Scheme Alert. Robert has also served as an expert witness on pyramid schemes in both state and [...]
This isn't Pink Truth's first time rolling out Robert as their "expert witness" that somehow proves Mary Kay is an illegal pyramid scheme.

But just like before, the only connection made between these illegal pyramid schemes and Mary Kay is Tracy's request that you "ask yourself if Mary Kay fits the criteria"

Robert's "facts" are considerably subject to opinion as it is... asking yourself if they apply to Mary Kay makes it that much more opinion subjective.

I will say this for his analysis though.  His observation that one - one sales is becoming a thing of the past is probably true.  If you are considering getting started in this kind of business, consider whether or not you want to fight the trend to buy online or in mega-stores.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Pink Truth: How to Save Face When You Sell Nothing and Someone Is Watching

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

How to Save Face When You Sell Nothing and Someone Is Watching
May 17th 2012, 11:00
What happens when you hold a Mary Kay skincare class and you sell nothing…. and a new recruit is watching? Well nsd Anita Garrett Roe says it’s a good thing, and explains it like this. She realizes that if you've got a new recruit along with you and you lay an egg on sales, it [...]
I love Tracy's comment at the end of this article.   " Do you see the key here? You don’t do ANYTHING that isn’t going to directly earn you money. "  Yet, isn't it this same Tracy that complains about how much time and money directors are putting into things that don't earn them money?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pink Truth: Mary Kay Drives a Wedge in Marriages

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Mary Kay Drives a Wedge in Marriages
May 16th 2012, 11:00
This story offers the point of view of a Mary Kay husband. While some may say that this schedule is temporary and will end once the wife is done with her Director In Qualification period, that is false. Sales directors are constantly “in DIQ,” always looking for new recruits while barely making minimum wage. Let [...]
I feel bad for this guy.  He feels so unable to offer his wife feedback about her involvement in Mary Kay that he has to tell the world about it through Pink Truth.  At least assuming this is a real guy and not someone that Pink Truth made up!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Pink Truth: Speak of the Devil: Mary Kay’s Wacky Word Wizardry

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Speak of the Devil: Mary Kay's Wacky Word Wizardry
May 15th 2012, 11:00
Written by The Scribbler If you've walked the earth long enough (or at least as long to have witnessed Prince go through three name changes) you know that one's choice of words can make or break a given situation. I'm a Midwestern native – a part of the country where tornado shelters and weather radios [...]
The Scribbler, while always entertaining to read, seems to be drinking the same pink (or un-pink) kool aid as the rest of the Pink Truth lot.

Anybody that produces or sells ANYTHING should be careful how they describe their product.  Look for instance at Subway or KFC. Both love putting hamburger based fast food joints in a bad light. Do you see Burger King, Wendy's or the famous Golden Arches jumping in and saying, "Yeah! Our burgers are bland and tasteless and will make you so fat your buttons will pop off and you will break the chair you are sitting in"?  Absolutely not.

Do KFC and Subway focus on the downside of selecting them for a meal?  Of course not.

When you turn in a resume, do you say that you were "just a... (anything)" or do you make the last thing you did (even if it was 'unemployed') sound like an intentional step in your life and career path?

Scribbler makes it sound deceptive for Mary Kay to use adjectives that cast Mary Kay in a more favorable light.  To me that is just ignorant.  Any thoughts?

Monday, May 14, 2012

Pink Truth: Mary Kay Skincare Class Reality

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Mary Kay Skincare Class Reality
May 14th 2012, 11:00
This story was shared by one of Pink Truth’s members. It is an excellent story for anyone thinking of getting involved with Mary Kay Cosmetics. This story is not the exception. It is the rule! I must share my story with Pink Truth, because it will help some women out there lurking on this site… trying [...]
Typical Pink Truth propaganda.  "This experience happened to me (and someone else) therefore it is 'typical' and not the exception.

Interesting though IF this is the 'typical' experience for those on Pink Truth, it is no wonder that some of their critics (real or imagined) call them 'lazy losers'.  This women clearly (from her own account) went into the class with an incredibly negative attitude.

"I felt bad for the woman and her friends"
"I didn't sell anything - as usual"


Friday, May 11, 2012

Pink Truth: An Open Letter To My Offspring Director

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

An Open Letter To My Offspring Director
May 11th 2012, 11:00
A letter from a former Mary Kay sales director to her offspring sales director. This letter really captures the essence of the Pink Truth mission. Getting women to understand that reality of MLMs, the predatory nature of Mary Kay, and that there is life after Mary Kay. Dear XXXXX, When we met four months ago, [...]
This Pink Truth post has me torn.  On the one hand, if someone is really hurting as much as this letter describes, she probably does need a good friend to try to hit her between the eyes with it... hard, as this letter does.

On the other hand, this is disgusting, stalker-ish behavior.  "I have stepped down from my position, but I am still obsessing about what the people I worked with are doing and I am spying on them."

Also, it is Pink Truth, so there is a chance that there is not a shred of truth to any of it.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Pink Truth: Reasons to Order

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Reasons to Order
May 10th 2012, 11:00
That’s right… this article isn’t about selling and ordering to replenish. This isn’t about selling and ordering to fulfill those sales. Nope. It’s about ordering. Just ordering. Because there are many, many reasons to order Mary Kay products when you’re a consultant. And very few involve actually selling anything. While this piece mentions you know [...]
This is why no one should ever trust Tracy, ever.  She practically spells it out for you with this one.

"I know this article says focus on selling, but clearly this director is just saying that as a 'cover' and doesn't really mean it."

Tracy, if it is sitting there in black and white (as this one is) you can't claim that it doesn't say it.  It DOES say it.  Mary Kay (this director) said that selling needs to be taking place.  You can't argue with that.  Unless you are Tracy and can say whatever you want.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Pink Truth: Your Experience in Mary Kay Wasn’t Real

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Your Experience in Mary Kay Wasn't Real
May 9th 2012, 11:00
I got this touching email from a Kaybot, letting me know that the stories on Pink Truth aren’t “the actual experience” in Mary Kay. So I feel it is my duty to inform all of you who have shared your stories here that they are false. You did not experience that and it was not [...]
Pink Truth making fun of someone that was making fun of them... how original.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Pink Truth: Living for Morsels… The Mary Kay Way

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Living for Morsels… The Mary Kay Way
May 8th 2012, 11:00
Written by Raisinberry

There appears to be a common denominator, in my opinion, with women who suffer the most from their Mary Kay career. I am talking about those who fell for it hard.

I think I might be on to something regarding why the whole recruitment scam, and subsequent huge financial loses, occur. Just [...]
This article is interesting in that it demonstrates how the extensive use of circular reasoning can lead you anywhere you want it to. Pink Truth's typical circular reasoning (Mary Kay is evil because Mary Kay is evil) now expands to point out how by providing many of the things that women are missing in their pathetic lives Mary Kay is exploiting them.  

I guess for Raisinberry, it would be better for Mary Kay to leave them in their woeful state.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Pink Truth: Oh To “Sit At the Feet” of a (Former) Mary Kay NSD

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Oh To "Sit At the Feet" of a (Former) Mary Kay NSD
May 7th 2012, 11:00
I never got into the idea of “sitting at the feet” of anyone, much less a Mary Kay national sales director. I am not beneath them, and therefore do not deserve to be sitting “at their feet.” Please. These were the musings of Allison LaMarr when she was a brand new, record-breaking NSD. (This was [...]
Although I hesitate to call anyone on Pink Truth "lazy" because I know how much they play that "we're not lazy" victim card, this has to be one  of the laziest posts by Tracy. Ever.

A few words at the beginning and then a pages long transcript of a phone conference by Allison LaMarr.

Either Tracy is obsessed with Allison for some unknown reason... jealousy? or she has decided that having Allison LaMarr as a keyword is good for site traffic and wants to exploit that.

Either way, she still has not sufficiently proven a link between Allison's miserable failure and Mary Kay somehow being evil.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Pink Truth: Overcoming Objections is the Name of the Mary Kay Game

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Overcoming Objections is the Name of the Mary Kay Game
May 4th 2012, 11:00
So the real deal with Mary Kay is recruiting and frontloading .  A small amount of product sales occur from time to time. But the real money is made in recruiting, and directors are usually pretty up front about it. Well, it’s hard to conceal that it’s all about recruiting when all the Mary Kay [...]
Pink Truth complains that Mary Kay never offers any training, but then they object to the training that Mary Kay offers.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Pink Truth: How to Drive Your Mary Kay Sales Director Nuts

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

How to Drive Your Mary Kay Sales Director Nuts
May 3rd 2012, 11:00
Written by PinkPeace

Many of you have been subjected to the craziness of the sales director in your life.  She has called and e-mailed you nonstop to get you to “be a team player” this month.  She has offered you cheap jewelry for thousand-dollar orders.  She has refused to listen to your negative questions about [...]
Angry, spiteful and just as dishonest as the director she is claiming to "call out", this piece by PinkPeace certainly takes a lot away from any credibility you could otherwise offer Pink Truth.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Pink Truth: Mary Kay’s Do More Get More Churn

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Mary Kay's Do More Get More Churn
May 2nd 2012, 11:00
Written by Raisinberry

When I first came here I did not understand that it was the MLM system that was the destructive, predatory model. I was still brainwashed into the belief that those who “failed” at Mary Kay just didn’t apply themselves. If a person just does more, they get more. If you agreed with [...]
This is just dumb, dumb, dumb.  Sorry... maybe I am just cranky this morning... or a little out of it, but this is just nonsense.  There is no evidence to back up any of the claims made by raisinberry here.  It is like she doesn't even care whether what she is saying is true or not.   

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Pink Truth: At Whose Expense?

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

At Whose Expense?
May 1st 2012, 11:00
Written by NoEscape In Mary Kay we are told to take short term sacrifices for long term gains. But at whose expense? We are told to be women who find a way and make a way. But at whose expense? We are told to share this “opportunity” with everyone, never prejudge. But at whose expense? [...]
Pretty typical Pink Truth nonsense, regurgitated.

Added bonus... annoying repetition of the phrase "But at whose expense?"