Thursday, June 14, 2012

Pink Truth: Say No to Mary Kay!

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Say No to Mary Kay!
Jun 14th 2012, 11:00
I am not making this up. Someone really put together this handout with crazy, crazy nonsense about Mary Kay. This is the epitome of deception in the recruiting process. Oh my… have a look and add your own comments! Some of the funnier falsehoods perpetrated in this document: Some 30 million customers purchase approximately 200 [...]
I don't know a whole lot about Mary Kay in terms of these 'facts' that are being presented, so I can't say one way or the other where these facts came from or if there is any truth to them at all.  But, Pink Truth has actually put less time into disproving them than whoever first published them.

Instead of saying (for instance) that Mary Kay is actually #1,114 in internet sales and citing their source, they simply say "says who".

Now granted, if you are given this piece of paper with all these facts on it, YOU should be asking where the statistics are coming from. And from my experience, chances are pretty good that the person giving it to you will not know. So the caution here is valid, but Pink Truth's continuing insistence to refer to questioning everything Mary Kay presents as truth is ridiculous.

Pink Truth, you are not offering any truth. You are simply saying you hate Mary Kay and saying "no it's not" to everything they say.  That is NOT truth. It is just being an obnoxious little sister.

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