Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Pink Truth: Blast From the Past: 26,000 Lazy Mary Kay Consultants

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.
Blast From the Past: 26,000 Lazy Mary Kay Consultants
Jan 17th 2012, 04:48
We frequently hear from Mary Kay supporters that those who are not making money selling MK products either don’t work hard enough or don’t want to make money. Five years ago, Lazy Gardens took on this idea in her article Can 26,000 Mary Kay Consultants All Be Lazy? The data and the results are still [...]
Okay, let's see here.  Tracy, ironically, is re-posting about the whole 'lazy' thing, while being too lazy to actually write (or have someone write) a new article.  Not only that, but instead of creating a new post, she just links back to the original location.  (Nothing wrong with that, per se, just sayin')

So, on to the actual article.

"Lazy" Gardens wrote it.  It is about "lazy" consultants, and how Mary Kay people call Mary Kay 'has beens' "lazy".

In it, we find that Lazy Gardens is too "lazy" to research who actually said, "the definition of insanity..."  A quick internet search reveals that it most likely came from a 1983 Narcotics Anonymous publication.

Also, we discover (I think) the source of Pink Truth calling themselves "lazy".  Apparently, Mattie Dozier, at some point, said, "Too lazy, too evil or too slick..." and they have been running with it ever since.

In terms of the content of the article itself?  I don't know.  I got confused trying to understand how Lazy Garden's comes to her conclusions.  As we mentioned before, not everyone enters Mary Kay for the same reasons. To take everyones numbers, mash them all together and then average them across the whole spectrum is simply not good math.

But Pink Truth will forever hold this up as PROOF that 26,000 Mary Kay consultants make minimum wage or less.

I will agree with the overall sentiment that you need to take a step back and analyze whether you are making money or losing money.  If it is the latter and you don't have any plans or objective ways of changing that, time to find something else to do.  I don't agree that this proves how terrible Pink Truth thinks Mary Kay is.

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