Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pink Truth: Dreams, Drive and Deception in Mary Kay

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.
Dreams, Drive and Deception in Mary Kay
Jan 31st 2012, 12:00
Written by Raisinberry

From the day you start with Mary Kay, you are exposed to deception on multiple levels, and expected to accept that if you want to “move up.”

There are times when I think I have no more to say about this world of Mary Kay. Today I was even feeling sorry for [...]
Raisinberry... " Today I was even feeling sorry for all those women in MK who have checked in here at Pink Truth, and have become convicted, and have begun to make changes. " Think about that for a second... why would you 'feel sorry for' someone who is being helped?  If you are really doing this to help people, you would be excited and energized for them.

While some of the points that Raisinberry is making here are valid - and kudos for pointing them out (even if it is just a repeat of things that have already been said) - it is hard to hear the good over the overwhelming roar of loathing towards all things Mary Kay.

Also, the way that she combines things that are legitimate with things that are actually deceptive and manipulative creates the illusion that there is overwhelming evidence and the way she repeatedly suggests that ALL of this happens to EVERYONE in Mary Kay makes that overwhelming evidence seem systemic instead of isolated... both of which conveniently back up Pink Truth's so called "Truth" that Mary Kay is evil and should be rallied against with all sorts of malice, envy and slander.

For instance, telling someone that you are in your first year instead of saying you are my first customer.  You want to set a person at ease and exude confidence.  You don't get up to give a speech and announce that this is the first time you are giving a public speech, neither do you need to tell someone that this is your first time presenting the product.  "I'm in my first year" is honest.  In sales, semantics are EVERYTHING.

A director telling you that she is there to help you build your business when in reality she is there to build her business.  Well, duh.  Obviously if she builds your business, her business is built up.  This is a win-win.  That does not mean she is being deceptive.  In fact, that is something she will probably tell you up front.  I am going to help you, because the better you do, the better I do.

In fact, as I am re-reading this, it is hard to find anything that Raisinberry hasn't twisted with Pink Truth's own brand of deception to make Mary Kay look bad.  Of course continuing to refer to Mary Kay as a cult kind of solidifies my point.

I strongly believe that there are things that one must beware of in entering into a Mary Kay (or any network marketing) endeavor.  Certainly Pink Truth has stumbled on to some of these.  I just wish that they were more of a resource and guide to HELP people avoid mistakes.

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