Friday, January 27, 2012

Pink Truth: Is Mary Kay About Selling Products or Recruiting Distributors?

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.
Is Mary Kay About Selling Products or Recruiting Distributors?
Jan 27th 2012, 12:00
Written by SuzyQ

As sales directors we are continually taught that our job is to bring in new recruits. New recruits mean new inventory purchases and more production means a higher monthly commission check.

For those of you who are laboring under the assumption that we are taught to be concerned with your customer sales [...]
I find it interesting that SuzyQ:

1. Refers to herself as "we" as though she is still a Mary Kay director and
2. Gives the impression that because SHE ran her business the way she describes (and notably failed) then everyone else that is a Mary Kay director must be doing so also.

Looking at the 'blurb' from InTouch that she posted, there is absolutely none of the unethical things that Pink Truth preaches about Mary Kay in there.  If anything, that document 'blurb' disproves everything that Pink Truth claims regarding Mary Kay.

It encourages making the husband a part of the decision.  It encourages NOT applying pressure if someone is not interested.  It challenges you you be sincere and honest.

My view of the time line of MOST of the people on Pink Truth:

Signed up for Mary Kay
Decided to try to be 'sneaky' and 'cheat' the system either because someone else in Mary Kay encouraged them to, or out of their own brilliant invention, thinking this would be a shortcut to fortune
Said plan did not work
Slowly (or quickly) crashed and burned
Found Pink Truth
Now post daily about how awful Mary Kay is

Can anyone tell me how this makes Mary Kay sinister and evil?

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps it's more of an issue of what they became and not wanting to own up to it? Strangely enough, a lot of the comments or articles highlight these things, but it always comes back to how Mary Kay itself is flawed and FORCED them into that behavior. HM. I've thought this before, and of course I don't know any of them so this is complete speculation, but these could be some weak-willed people who change who they are based upon the situation. Or follow the crowd. I know that's harsh, but, really, it's simply turning their own logic back on themselves.
