Sunday, December 4, 2011

Pink Truth: Get Over the Pink Truth

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.
Get Over the Pink Truth
Dec 4th 2011, 12:00
A comment from a typical Kaybot this week. I am always amused at how many tired, old scripted phrases they can use in support of Mary Kay. How many can you count?

Seriously. You women who have felt this way maybe Mary Kay wasn't for you. But you can't speak for everyone. The products are [...]
Pink Truth, to tell the truth, this stuff makes me want to agree with the people that call you losers.  Or at least "sore" losers.  This (and yesterday's post) is so reminiscent of silly playground fights, or middle school petty girl 'drama' as they call it now.

You want us (people in general) to feel sorry for you.  You claim to be a support group for recovering women.  But all you do is tear down.

Side note, at the time of this post, the only comment on Pink Truth criticizes Mary Kay spelling and suggests they get a dictionary or have someone proofread their rants.  This comment starts with, "I'm continued to be amazed..."  This is a 1 and 1/4 line "rant" ABOUT proofing a rant that did not get the same proofreading that is being recommended in the very same rant!

Pink Truth, on days like this (and by "days like this" I mean "days where you have nothing worth saying" and by   "days where you have nothing worth saying" I mean most days) you might as well just put up a post that says "Mary Kay Sucks" (x100) and call it a day.  I know that would probably take more work that copy/pasting a 'rude' comment or a picture you found on the internets, but at least it would have more original content from yourself.

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