Friday, December 9, 2011

Pink Truth: Tripling Your Income With Mary Kay (Yeah, Right)

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.
Tripling Your Income With Mary Kay (Yeah, Right)
Dec 9th 2011, 12:00
Written by PinkPeace

If you had been lucky enough to be in my Mary Kay unit, at some point you would have sat down with me one-on-one to go over the following document. I liked to do it during new consultant orientation, while you still had stars in your eyes about Mary Kay and thought [...]
This article is great!  It helps me understand where at least some of the Pink Truth women went wrong.  Not that this wasn't already clear, but this article painted it really well for me.

Basically the problem is assuming that you are going to achieve goals immediately and without effort.  The point of the worksheet that PinkPeace posts here, from what I can see, is to show how great it can be as a director.  In this 'apples to apples' comparison, you make more money on the same 5 recruits if you are a director than if you are a team leader.

1. Trying to make this happen in the next few months (or even in a year) is obviously going to bring stress and probably an unstable unit with some of the results that PinkPeace describes.  Making it sound like this is achievable in a few short months is deceptive and deplorable.  However, the document itself does not say this.  So, if PinkPeace was implying or directly saying things that led recruits to believe that you just click your heels and say "I wish I wish I was a director" and it happens, than she is right to be 'coming clean'.

And I don't blame her as I am sure this was the style of the people that brought her in.  I also don't doubt that this kind of 'training' is an infectious blight in many areas.

Mary Kay is interesting in this regard.  It is a great business model that benefits a lot of different kinds of people, but it also lends itself to manipulative behavior such as this being passed down the ranks.

2. Because of #1 above, always apply the rule, "If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is".  If you want to make a fortune in Mary Kay, you are going to have to invest a lot of time, energy and sweat into it.  It won't happen overnight and you will probably have plenty of setbacks along your journey.

As mentioned in plenty of posts (already) on this site, do your own homework.  Make sure YOU know what you are talking about before you start talking.  If you are a 'team leader' and recruiting people, you probably shouldn't talk about how easy it is to be director because you don't know how easy it is because you haven't done it.  If you are a director and just barely making it each month, maybe you aren't ready yet.

One of the things I hear consistently is that Mary Kay says "anyone can sell Mary Kay" and Pink Truth says that very few (if any) have any business trying to make Mary Kay work.  Personally, I think that anyone CAN sell Mary Kay.  "Selling" Mary Kay and becoming a director however, are two different things entirely.  If you love the product and tell your friends about it, you probably have already sold it.  Now, whether that means you want to sign up to be a consultant or not is a different equation altogether.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yeah, I was going to say something about the whole "tripling your income" thing.

    This never ceases to amuse and irritate me at the same time. I had a boss once that owned a very successful company. She 'had it all' so to speak and loved what she did. (her company was not a Mary Kay company, lol).

    She was approached by someone who told her that if she signed up with him to sell this or that, she could make 10x what she was currently making.

    She just laughed and asked him how much he thought she was making. He had never even asked her how much she was making.

    I am not saying that the amount of money you can make with Mary Kay should not be a selling point. It just needs to be approached realistically and appropriately. You can't tell someone they can triple their current income until you know how much they are currently making.

    Some day, I would like to approach Warren Buffet or someone on his level of earning, pretend to not know who he is, and tell him I can triple his current income... just to see how he would react!
