Saturday, December 31, 2011

Pink Truth: Restoring What the Pink Locusts Have Eaten

Pink Truth
Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.
Restoring What the Pink Locusts Have Eaten
Dec 30th 2011, 12:00
Written by The Scribbler

Locusts are relentless creatures – they eat and eat and never seem to be satisfied. I mean, I thought I could put a good hurting on bacon and all things coconut, but these little guys put me to shame.

According to Charles R. Bomar, in his article, "The Rocky Mountain Locust: [...]
This is a very well written piece.  However, I have these two things against it, saith I:

It feels very much like a sermon.  So much so, in fact, that a few times while reading it, I wondered to myself if the Scribbler (or someone near her) is a preacher.  This, in and of itself, is not a bad thing, but when one considers the amount of time that Pink Truth spends condemning the way that Mary Kay "abuses" religion, spirituality, and the Bible, this becomes a whole new level of hypocritical.  "Let me preach at you about what I feel about Mary Kay using chapter and verse, but don't you dare do it to me"

It assumes that involvement in Mary Kay means destruction (or 'eating) of ones life.  If you are going to equate anything (plagues, natural disasters, locusts) of Biblical proportions to a person, business venture or experience you have had and imply that anyone involved in that will experience the same thing, you ought to at least disclaim that you recognize that not everyone will have the same experience -- further (and probably more importantly) if you are going to imply that people inviting others to join Mary Kay are locusts (or inviting locusts into someones life)... and by extension essentially call them evil, you really ought to check your own Biblical doctrine.  Especially if you are a sight that regularly complains about being called lazy losers.

I do have this one positive bit to take away and pass on:

At the very end she says -  Today, I encourage you to take back the peace you once had by leaning on the One who has the power to bring it.

This is good advice for anyone in any situation.  And because it is not difficult to recognize that some have lost their peace due to Mary Kay (or, perhaps, other life situations), it is fitting to remind anyone reading that turning to God is always the best option.  Agree or disagree on that, I felt the need to share and be in agreement about it.

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